10Duke Scale SDK for Java
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tenduke.scale.api.model.licensecheckout.LicenseConsumerLicensesStatus Class Reference

Detailed Description

List of licenses for a license consumer.

Inheritance diagram for tenduke.scale.api.model.licensecheckout.LicenseConsumerLicensesStatus:
tenduke.scale.api.model.licensecheckout.AbstractLicensesStatus tenduke.scale.api.model.AbstractRestApiObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from tenduke.scale.api.model.AbstractRestApiObject
String nullIfNullOrEmpty (final String value)
 Checks if given string is null, empty or blank.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from tenduke.scale.api.model.AbstractRestApiObject
boolean hasNonEmptyValue (final String string)
 Checks if the given string is not null nor empty.

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