10Duke Scale SDK for Java
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Package tenduke.scale.api

Detailed Description

Package containing service interfaces, API model and Exceptions model for the 10Duke Scale API Java Client.


package  config
 Package that contains 10Duke Scale SDK for Java configuration interfaces and implementations without 3rd party dependencies.
package  exception
 10Duke Scale SDK for Java exception model and exception building utilities.
package  model
 10Duke Scale SDK for Java implementation of the 10Duke Scale API model.


class  InMemoryTokenStore
class  JwtBuilderBase
 Base class for 10Duke SDK implementations of JWT building. More...
interface  LicenseCheckoutClient
 License checkout client interface that uses  LicenseCheckoutHttpClient to operate the checkout API and TokenManager to store tokens received from the API. More...
enum  RequestHeadersSettings
 Options for request header building, including instruction to include Authorization header always vs. More...
class  ScaleJwtAuthorizationProvider
 Authorization provider that supplies 10Duke ScaleJWT tokens and headers. More...
interface  TokenManager
 Interface to implement for managing tokens and related items that are used with 10Duke Scale API by the 10Duke Scale SDK for Java. More...
interface  TokenStore
 Interface to implement for storing tokens that are used with 10Duke Scale API by the 10Duke Scale SDK for Java. More...
class  TokenStoreLicenseCheckoutResult
 TokenStoreLicenseCheckoutResult is a transient information model used when storing and accessing license tokens. More...