10Duke Scale SDK for Java
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 PapiPackage containing service interfaces, API model and Exceptions model for the 10Duke Scale API Java Client
 PconfigPackage that contains 10Duke Scale SDK for Java configuration interfaces and implementations without 3rd party dependencies
 CDefaultTendukeScaleConfigBuilderBuilder that assembles a TendukeScaleConfig based on multiple configuration data sources
 CInMemoryTendukeScaleConfigData class that stores memory based configuration of the 10Duke Scale SDK for Java
 CMinViableTendukeScaleConfigA minimal configuration implementation suitable for in memory based applications using license keys
 CTendukeScaleConfigBuilderInterface to implement for assembling a TendukeScaleConfig based on multiple configuration data sources
 CTendukeScaleConfigKeyConstants for supported configuration keys
 Pexception10Duke Scale SDK for Java exception model and exception building utilities
 CApiExceptionModel class for API related exceptions
 CExceptionBuilderBase class for providing an easy to read and handle exception creation
 Pmodel10Duke Scale SDK for Java implementation of the 10Duke Scale API model
 CLicenseTokenRepresents a license token used in the license checkout processes
 CLicenseTokenClaimsModel class that declares the custom JWT claims used in the 10Duke Scale license token
 CAbstractLicensesStatusList of licenses for an abstract license consumer
 CClientClaimsThe claims that can be used during a license checkout process
 CConsumptionStatusList of possible statuses received for license consumption
 CFeatureFlagsJwtResponseRepresents a response containing feature flags and received as a JWT
 CFeatureFlagsResponseRepresents a response that contains feature flags
 CHintsProvides hints that can be used during the license checkout processes
 CLicenseCheckoutArgumentsThe license checkout arguments
 CLicenseCheckoutRequestRepresents the request made during a license checkout
 CLicenseCheckoutResultRepresents the result received from a license checkout
 CLicenseConsumerClientBindingStatusList of client bindings for a license consumer
 CLicenseConsumerLicensesStatusList of licenses for a license consumer
 CLicenseConsumptionProvides fields related to a license consumption
 CLicenseConsumptionClientBindingProvides fields for a client binding related to a license consumption
 CLicenseHeartbeatArgumentsProvides arguments that can be used in a license heartbeat
 CLicenseHeartbeatRequestRepresents a request that is made during the license heartbeat process
 CLicenseHeartbeatResultRepresents the result of a license heartbeat
 CLicenseReleaseArgumentsProvides arguments that can be used in a license release
 CLicenseReleaseRequestRepresents a request that is made during the license release process
 CLicenseReleaseResultRepresents the result of a license release
 CEffectiveProductConfigInfoBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing effective product configuration information
 CFeatureFlagsBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing feature flags
 CLicenseBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing license
 CLicenseConsumerBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing license consumer
 CLicenseConsumerTypeList of available license consumer types
 CLicenseContainerBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing license container
 CLicenseeBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing licensee
 CLicenseeTypeList of available licensee types
 CLicenseFeatureBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing license feature
 CLicenseKeyBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing license key
 CLicenseMetadataBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing license meta data
 CLicenseModelBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing license model
 CProductBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing product
 CProductConfigBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing product config
 CProductFeatureBase argument object for creating a new or updating existing product feature
 CQuantityDimensionList of available quantity dimension settings
 CQuantityEnforcementTypeList of available quantity enforcement types for licensing
 CAbstractExternalReferenceRestApiObjectAbstract class of an REST API object that contains an external reference
 CAbstractIdentityRestApiObjectAbstract class of an REST API object that represents an identity
 CAbstractRestApiObjectAbstract class of an REST API object
 CAbstractSequenceModifiableRestApiObjectAbstract class of an REST API object that is modifiable and contains related fields to modification
 CAbstractSequenceRestApiObjectAbstract class of an REST API object that can be put to a sequence
 CAbstractUniqueRestApiObjectAbstract class of an REST API object that contains an identifier and is unique
 CAbstractUuidModifiableRestApiObjectAbstract class of an REST API object that is modifiable and contains related fields to modification
 CValidationConstantsConstants providing supported values and ranges for validation
 CJwtBuilderBaseBase class for 10Duke SDK implementations of JWT building
 CLicenseCheckoutClientLicense checkout client interface that uses  LicenseCheckoutHttpClient to operate the checkout API and TokenManager to store tokens received from the API
 CRequestHeadersSettingsOptions for request header building, including instruction to include Authorization header always vs
 CScaleJwtAuthorizationProviderAuthorization provider that supplies 10Duke ScaleJWT tokens and headers
 CTokenManagerInterface to implement for managing tokens and related items that are used with 10Duke Scale API by the 10Duke Scale SDK for Java
 CTokenStoreInterface to implement for storing tokens that are used with 10Duke Scale API by the 10Duke Scale SDK for Java
 CTokenStoreLicenseCheckoutResultTokenStoreLicenseCheckoutResult is a transient information model used when storing and accessing license tokens
 PclientPackage containing default implementation of the 10Duke Scale API Java Client
 CAbstractRestApiClientAbstract class representing a REST API client
 CDefaultLicenseCheckoutClientDefault implementation of a license checkout client
 CDefaultTokenManagerData class that manages tokens used by 10Duke Scale SDK for Java
 CFileSystemTokenStoreTokenStore implementation that uses the file system to store license tokens
 CLicenseCheckoutApiCallFactoryThis class implements raw HTTP 10Duke Scale License Checkout API mapping into a Java Client
 CLicenseCheckoutHttpClientLicense checkout API implementation without any caching or persistence features
 CLicenseCheckoutModeEnumeration of possible modes that the tenduke.scale.client.DefaultLicenseCheckoutClient supports
 COkHttpLoggingInterceptorInterceptor that enables logging for OkHttpClient
 CRestApiCallExecArgsREST API call executor with arguments
 PtypesafePackage containing implementation of TendukeScaleConfig using typesafe
 CTypesafeTendukeScaleConfigTendukeScaleConfig implementation based on Typesafe