10Duke Scale SDK for Java
▼Ptenduke | |
▼Pscale | |
▼Papi | Package containing service interfaces, API model and Exceptions model for the 10Duke Scale API Java Client |
▼Pconfig | Package that contains 10Duke Scale SDK for Java configuration interfaces and implementations without 3rd party dependencies |
CDefaultTendukeScaleConfigBuilder | Builder that assembles a TendukeScaleConfig based on multiple configuration data sources |
CInMemoryTendukeScaleConfig | Data class that stores memory based configuration of the 10Duke Scale SDK for Java |
CMinViableTendukeScaleConfig | A minimal configuration implementation suitable for in memory based applications using license keys |
CTendukeScaleConfig | |
CTendukeScaleConfigBuilder | Interface to implement for assembling a TendukeScaleConfig based on multiple configuration data sources |
CTendukeScaleConfigKey | Constants for supported configuration keys |
CTendukeScaleConfigWithFallback | |
▼Pexception | 10Duke Scale SDK for Java exception model and exception building utilities |
CApiException | Model class for API related exceptions |
CExceptionBuilder | Base class for providing an easy to read and handle exception creation |
▼Pmodel | 10Duke Scale SDK for Java implementation of the 10Duke Scale API model |
▼Pjwt | |
CLicenseToken | Represents a license token used in the license checkout processes |
CLicenseTokenClaims | Model class that declares the custom JWT claims used in the 10Duke Scale license token |
▼Plicensecheckout | |
CAbstractLicensesStatus | List of licenses for an abstract license consumer |
CClientClaims | The claims that can be used during a license checkout process |
CConsumptionStatus | List of possible statuses received for license consumption |
CFeatureFlagsJwtResponse | Represents a response containing feature flags and received as a JWT |
CFeatureFlagsResponse | Represents a response that contains feature flags |
CHints | Provides hints that can be used during the license checkout processes |
CLicenseCheckoutArguments | The license checkout arguments |
CLicenseCheckoutRequest | Represents the request made during a license checkout |
CLicenseCheckoutResult | Represents the result received from a license checkout |
CLicenseConsumerClientBindingStatus | List of client bindings for a license consumer |
CLicenseConsumerLicensesStatus | List of licenses for a license consumer |
CLicenseConsumption | Provides fields related to a license consumption |
CLicenseConsumptionClientBinding | Provides fields for a client binding related to a license consumption |
CLicenseHeartbeatArguments | Provides arguments that can be used in a license heartbeat |
CLicenseHeartbeatRequest | Represents a request that is made during the license heartbeat process |
CLicenseHeartbeatResult | Represents the result of a license heartbeat |
CLicenseKeyLicensesStatus | |
CLicenseReleaseArguments | Provides arguments that can be used in a license release |
CLicenseReleaseRequest | Represents a request that is made during the license release process |
CLicenseReleaseResult | Represents the result of a license release |
▼Plicensing | |
CEffectiveProductConfigInfo | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing effective product configuration information |
CFeatureFlags | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing feature flags |
CLicense | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing license |
CLicenseConsumer | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing license consumer |
CLicenseConsumerType | List of available license consumer types |
CLicenseContainer | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing license container |
CLicensee | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing licensee |
CLicenseeType | List of available licensee types |
CLicenseFeature | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing license feature |
CLicenseKey | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing license key |
CLicenseMetadata | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing license meta data |
CLicenseModel | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing license model |
▼CProduct | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing product |
CCreatable | |
CProductConfig | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing product config |
CProductFeature | Base argument object for creating a new or updating existing product feature |
CQuantityDimension | List of available quantity dimension settings |
CQuantityEnforcementType | List of available quantity enforcement types for licensing |
CAbstractExternalReferenceRestApiObject | Abstract class of an REST API object that contains an external reference |
CAbstractIdentityRestApiObject | Abstract class of an REST API object that represents an identity |
CAbstractRestApiObject | Abstract class of an REST API object |
CAbstractSequenceModifiableRestApiObject | Abstract class of an REST API object that is modifiable and contains related fields to modification |
CAbstractSequenceRestApiObject | Abstract class of an REST API object that can be put to a sequence |
CAbstractUniqueRestApiObject | Abstract class of an REST API object that contains an identifier and is unique |
CAbstractUuidModifiableRestApiObject | Abstract class of an REST API object that is modifiable and contains related fields to modification |
CValidationConstants | Constants providing supported values and ranges for validation |
CInMemoryTokenStore | |
CJwtBuilderBase | Base class for 10Duke SDK implementations of JWT building |
CLicenseCheckoutClient | License checkout client interface that uses LicenseCheckoutHttpClient to operate the checkout API and TokenManager to store tokens received from the API |
CRequestHeadersSettings | Options for request header building, including instruction to include Authorization header always vs |
CScaleJwtAuthorizationProvider | Authorization provider that supplies 10Duke ScaleJWT tokens and headers |
CTokenManager | Interface to implement for managing tokens and related items that are used with 10Duke Scale API by the 10Duke Scale SDK for Java |
CTokenStore | Interface to implement for storing tokens that are used with 10Duke Scale API by the 10Duke Scale SDK for Java |
CTokenStoreLicenseCheckoutResult | TokenStoreLicenseCheckoutResult is a transient information model used when storing and accessing license tokens |
▼Pclient | Package containing default implementation of the 10Duke Scale API Java Client |
CAbstractRestApiClient | Abstract class representing a REST API client |
CDefaultLicenseCheckoutClient | Default implementation of a license checkout client |
CDefaultTokenManager | Data class that manages tokens used by 10Duke Scale SDK for Java |
CFileSystemTokenStore | TokenStore implementation that uses the file system to store license tokens |
CLicenseCheckoutApiCallFactory | This class implements raw HTTP 10Duke Scale License Checkout API mapping into a Java Client |
CLicenseCheckoutHttpClient | License checkout API implementation without any caching or persistence features |
CLicenseCheckoutMode | Enumeration of possible modes that the tenduke.scale.client.DefaultLicenseCheckoutClient supports |
COkHttpLoggingInterceptor | Interceptor that enables logging for OkHttpClient |
CRestApiCallExecArgs | REST API call executor with arguments |
▼Pconfig | |
▼Ptypesafe | Package containing implementation of TendukeScaleConfig using typesafe |
CTendukeScaleConfigLoader | |
CTypesafeTendukeScaleConfig | TendukeScaleConfig implementation based on Typesafe |